What Is The B Stance Hip Thrust?

The B stance hip thrust is one of the best exercises for your glutes and hamstrings. It’s exactly the same as a normal hip thrust, but with slightly more isolation because you only use one leg.

If you’re just looking for a “how to” guide, just watch the video attached. However, if you’re wondering more about the exercise and its benefits, read on…

How To Do A B Stance Hip Thrust

  • Grab a bench (should be your standard gym one).
  • Stand facing away from the bench with your feet hip width apart.
  • Shift your weight to one foot and place the other behind for balance.
  • Sit with the mid-upper back on the bench edge, with your hands on hips or holding weight.
  • Engage your core, press through the heel and raise your hips.
  • Extend your hips fully and squeeze your glutes. Then pause.
  • Lower your hips, maintaining full control while you lower them.
  • Repeat for your sets and reps.

Boom, there you have it. A quick and easy list of how to do this exercise.

B Stance Hip Thrust Exercise

So, why exactly would you do the b stance hip thrust?

Well, there’s a couple reasons. You might be recovering from an injury in one leg and need to isolate only one leg. You also might just want another glute isolation exercise to add to your leg day arsenal.

A quick side note- you should never skip leg day, especially if you’re a man. When you work legs in the gym, your testosterone increases! Go check out the article on why you should never skip leg day for a more in depth analysis.

Now let’s go over how you can make the most out of this exercise:

It’s important that you use proper nutrition and supplements to make sure that you grow and build strength from doing this. You should have a diet plan and lifting routine.

Either be in a caloric intake, or a caloric deficit. Some great supplements you should use are creatine, protein powder, and pre workout.

B Stance Hip Thrust Muscles Worked:

This exercise is to help isolate your glutes and hamstrings. You should add this exercise in after starting with one or two heavy compound lifts (assuming you are able to).

For example:

  • Back squat 5×5
  • Deadlift 3×6
  • B stance hip thrust 3×8-12
  • Leg extensions 3×15
  • Leg curls 3×15

In this sample workout, the b stance hip thrust is used after the compound lifts (squats and deadlifts). The workout also ensures that all areas of your legs are worked and that there are no muscular imbalances.


Your glute muscles are responsible for your hip stability. They are build through exercises such as squats, lunges and hip thrusts. Strong glutes enhance your overall gym *and life* performance as they connect your legs to your torso.


Your hamstring muscles are key for knee mobility and hip extension. They are build through exercises such as Romanian deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats and also hip thrusts. Having strong hamstrings is great because it improves your leg power and makes you at less of a risk for injuries.

B Stance Hip Thrust Benefits

The b stance hip thrust is an incredibly effective exercise for your lower body with tons of different benefits. All these benefits make it a popular choice for athletes because of its target muscle groups.

The most popular benefit of that exercise is its ability to help with muscular imbalances because of its isolation. You only train one leg at a time with this, so you can essentially strengthen only one leg if you wished. Maybe you are rehabbing your right leg after a sports injury. You could easily use this exercise to get your leg strength back.

Another benefit to the B stance hip thrust is that it helps improve your stability. Your core is at use with this exercise, so naturally it becomes stronger. The increased workload on your abs and obliques helps you to to stabilize your core. This would be incredibly beneficial if you were an athlete.

In addition, this exercise is great because it can be easily modified for different fitness levels and goals. Beginners could do this exercise with only bodyweight, while seasoned lifters could add weights. Barbells, dumbbells, or resistance bands all work for that. This helps ensure that you progress with your fitness as you can easily use progressive overload.

The final benefit of the hip thrust is that improves your posture and could reduce your lower back pain. A common reason for lower back pain is that you do not have strong glutes. By strengthening your glutes with this exercise, your lower back pain should go away. This modified hip thrust also gets rid of excess pressure on your spine.

B Stance Hip Thrust Alternatives

This exercise might not be right for you. It’s a challenging exercise that not everyone can do. If that is the case, here are two different ways that you can hit similar muscle groups and get similar benefits.

Romanian Deadlifts

Romanian deadlifts are one of the best leg building exercises out there. They really hit your hamstrings and glutes, which is exactly what the modified hip thrust does.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart
  • Hold barbell with overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart
  • Slight bend in knees, engage core
  • Hinge at hips, push glutes back
  • Lower barbell along legs, keeping it close
  • Stop when torso is parallel to ground or slight stretch in hamstrings
  • Drive hips forward, engage glutes, return to standing
  • Maintain neutral spine and engaged core throughout

Side Band Walks

Side band walks are an amazing alternative to the modified hip thrust discussed above. They target your glutes and can also address muscular imbalances in the legs.

  • Place resistance band around ankles or above knees
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart
  • Slight bend in knees, engage core
  • Lower into a quarter squat position
  • Step right foot laterally to the right
  • Follow with left foot, returning to hip-width stance
  • Repeat for desired reps, then switch directions
  • Maintain squat and tension on band throughout
  • Keep chest lifted and core engaged