Building big arms can be tough. Some of you will be waging a seemingly endless war against your puny arms to no avail.

You might be a tall guy, have poor insertions, or not be genetically gifted in that area.

But let’s attempt to make chicken salad out of chicken sh–.

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The One Easy Swap to Build Your Arms

Bigger Arms
Larry Scott’s impressive arms

Read this article to get sleeve-busting pythons.

Now, assuming that you’re following an push-pull-legs or some kind of Bro Split, you can make this change fairly easily.

Instead of destroying your arms every designated training session, you should stimulate their growth through medium volume, but higher frequency (3-5 times per week).

Don’t go overboard with dozens of drop sets, but apply a method of measured progressive overload.

Push Pull Legs
Day 1: Push
Day 2: Pull
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Push
Day 5: Pull
Day 6: Legs
Push Pull Legs
Day 1: Push & Biceps
Day 2: Pull & Triceps
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Push & Biceps
Day 5: Pull & Triceps
Day 6: Legs

Changing around the day where you perform isolation movements for the arms allows you to squeeze in more training stimulus.

Bro Split
Day 1: Chest and Triceps
Day 2: Back and Biceps
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders
Day 5: Arms
Bro Split
Day 1: Chest and Biceps
Day 2: Back and Triceps
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders & Biceps
Day 5: Arms

As you can see, you will be targeting your lagging arms at least three times per week if you are to count the indirect activation enjoyed through compound movements such as the bench press and row.

How many guys with massive bench presses and rows also have massive arms? You will be stimulating your arms as well as increasing the numbers on your main lifts.

Here’s why you should be doing compound movements for big gunz.


For those doing a Bro Split, we will assume that you will be doing some form of pressing movement on your shoulder day to complement your tricep activation.

These little tweaks can go a long way to adding mass onto this weaker body part.

Gone are the days where you’d need to consider an 8-hour workout inspired by the late Rich Piana.

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