High soy consumption has been linked with infertility in women. With skyhigh soy consumption, plant-based protein sources being heavily pushed by various organizations, and record low fertility rates, soy’s estrogenic effects are found to affect both men and women.

We recently published an article on the alarming collapsing fertility levels around the world, with an estimated 1 in 6 Americans of childrearing age infertile and a further quarter of the population suffering from lifelong infertility.

Soy was also connected to low sperm counts in men, but now heavy soy protein consumption can be disruptive to female fertility.

Veganism and other dietary trends have rendered soy a dietary staple for many Americans due to its low cost and versatility.

However, according to an article by Kotinas Fertility:

“High levels of soy protein sometimes increase the length of your menstrual cycle and decrease FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) hormone levels.

“Don’t worry. The simple act of eating tofu won’t make you infertile. Unless you’re eating over 60 grams of soy protein every single day for over a month, you have nothing to worry about.”

They add:

“Soy and infertility can be connected.

“Soy and tofu topics make great headlines on the internet. It’s beneficial for women struggling with menopausal symptoms or trying to prevent cancer.

“It’s also an excellent protein source while pregnant. This is especially true for vegetarian women.

“Yes, soy can cause ovulation problems. But you need to eat a lot of it. If you’re trying to conceive, you should eat soy-based foods in moderation. Stay below 60 grams per day.

“They contain a plant-derived estrogen called isoflavones. If you eat too much soy, isoflavones can have a negative impact on the female body and your ability to conceive.”

As heavy soy consumption would be needed to cause dramatic effects, health-conscious women and vegan women would be at a higher risk of experiencing trouble conceiving.

Reducing soy intake for both parties trying to conceive would mean a higher chance of a successful pregnancy.

Although the effects of soy are more pronounced in men, with reported cases of erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia; women need to take increasing care with some elements of the modern diet such as seed oils — which have been linked with ovarian toxicity.