You may consider a walk after meals if you wish to accelerate fat loss, improve insulin sensitivity, and aid digestion.

A simple 10-15 minute walk after meals can do wonders to improve your life with a minimal exertion of effort scattered throughout your day.

Not having time won’t be an excuse you can use by employing this strategy.

1. A Walk After Meals Can Accelerate Fat Loss

walk after meals

A walk after meals can accelerate fat loss if you lack stamina or time to do your cardio in one continuous, uninterrupted bloc.

In the past, we’ve described walking as the best form of cardio you can do.

Aside from an incredibly useful fat loss tool, walking can help with recovery, circulation, destressing, combating anxiety, reducing inflammation, and many other health benefits.

If you walk for 15 minutes 3-4 times a day, you will have completed 45-60 minutes throughout the day instead of one lengthy session.

This will also help go towards your total step count to fulfill your daily targets if you’re a busy person.

Of course, those who work in an office might struggle to walk after each meal, but may look to enjoy the other benefits of a walk after meals.


2. A Walk After Meals Can Lower Blood Sugar/Improve Insulin Sensitivity

insulin sensitivity
A walk after meals is all it takes to improve insulin sensitivity

A walk after meals can help lower blood sugar, and, in turn, improve insulin sensitivity — which will go a long way in altering a poor body composition.

The last meal of the day is responsible for the greatest spike in insulin levels and a short family walk is all it takes to mitigate this spike.

Check out our article on how to reverse being skinny fat.

In a study conducted on senior citizens, three 15-minute walks were all it took to lower blood sugar levels on those prone to diabetes [R].

In fact, three 15-minute walks after meals were significantly more effective than one 45-minute walk at lowering blood sugar levels.

The 2013 study published in the American Diabetes Association found that: “Short, intermittent bouts of postmeal walking appear to be an effective way to control postprandial hyperglycemia in older people.”

“These findings are good news for people in their 70s and 80s who may feel more capable of engaging in intermittent physical activity on a daily basis,” said a researcher.

Another study from 2016 found that three 10-minute walks were more effective at lowering blood sugar levels than one 30 minute walk [R].

Researchers believe that a walk after a meal can help diabetics reduce the number of medications required to address their condition.

Check out our article on how to improve insulin sensitivity.

3. A Walk After Meals Can Aid With Digestion

men meat
Get walking after that heavy meal

And finally, a walk after meals can aid with digestion.

Post-prandial movement can promote the stimulation of the stomach and intestines to kickstart digestion [R].

Additionally, light exercise after eating can help protect the gastrointestinal tract.

According to Healthline, a walk after meals has “been shown to prevent diseases like peptic ulcers, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticular disease, constipation, and colorectal cancer.”

So, there you have it, get walking after you eat!

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