If you are on a weight loss journey, one of your biggest concerns might be muscle loss. After all, you don’t want to lose that hard-earned muscle mass. Today, we’re going over how to lose weight without losing muscle.

While losing some muscle when you are in a caloric deficit is normal, there are ways to prevent it. 

Now, it might not be a simple task, but it is possible. You just have to be careful with your workout routines and meal plan. 

In this article, we’ll go over the strategies of how to lose weight without losing muscle.

Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

How to lose weight without losing muscle is a complicated question that involves knowing weight loss vs fat loss. What’s the difference?

Weight loss means losing weight from any part of your body, including fat, water, or muscle mass. This is the total number you see on the scale. 

Fat loss refers to the specific amount of weight you lose from fatty tissue. 

So, in reality, what you want to lose is fat, not necessarily weight.

9 Tips to Lose Weight Without Losing Muscle

Here are nine tips to solve the question: how to lose weight without losing muscle:

1. Maintain a Caloric Deficit

When it comes to weight loss, there are hundreds of diets available. However, evidence suggests that no diet is better than the other. It all comes down to the caloric deficit.

A caloric deficit means you eat fewer calories than the body needs. There are different ways for you to achieve this. 

Here, we’ll go over the best strategies (tried and tested) that have helped people lose weight without losing muscle mass.  

2. Avoid a Harsh Caloric Restriction 

As mentioned before, you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight without losing muscle. However, a caloric deficit that is too low can result in muscle loss. 

How to lose weight without losing muscle? Find the right balance.

You need to consider several factors when figuring out how many calories you should reduce. 

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is your minimum calories to survive, meaning the calories required for life-sustaining functions like breathing and circulation. The BMR is based on weight, height, age, and in some cases, body composition. 

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is reducing your caloric intake to less than your BMR. 

For example, if your BMR is 1,500 calories, don’t consume less than this. Otherwise, it can increase the risk of muscle loss and negatively affect your metabolism in the long run. 

So, to have a less aggressive caloric restriction, women should aim to reduce 200–400 calories of their total daily expenditure (TDEE), and men can reduce 400–600 calories. 

3. Boost the Protein

The question of how to lose weight without losing muscle is very simple. As long as you keep a caloric deficit throughout your journey, you will lose weight. In fact, you can even eat pizza and drink beer every day and still lose weight. 

However, when it comes to preventing muscle loss, this might not be beneficial. The macro distribution (i.e., carbs, proteins, and fats) in your diet matters a lot. 

Protein is the essential macro for losing weight without losing muscle mass. After all, proteins are the main building blocks in the body. Besides supporting muscle mass, protein can also increase fullness levels, making it easier to cut calories. 

In fact, a study showed that athletes with a greater protein intake (35% of their total calories) had almost no muscle loss compared to those with a 15% protein intake.  

The best way to boost your protein intake is from lean sources, such as: 

  • White-flesh fish
  • Greek yogurt
  • White meat poultry
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Pulses (i.e., beans, peas, lentils)
  • Lean beef
  • Tofu

4. When in Need, Supplement 

Some supplements can help promote weight loss and prevent muscle loss. Remember that supplements are not mandatory, but they can be of help. 

When asked how to lose weight without losing muscle, these three supplements have the most scientific evidence:

  • Creatine: Taking creatine can help increase energy, promote muscle gain, and improve cognitive function. Combining creatine with resistance training can reduce fat mass more effectively and increase muscle strength and weightlifting performance. 
  • Protein powder: Protein supports muscle mass and promotes fat loss. It also helps repair muscles. Evidence shows that a high protein intake can help preserve muscle during weight loss. So, protein powder is a great way to increase protein levels and help your weight loss journey.
  • Caffeine: You can add a caffeine supplement, like a preworkout, to your exercise routine to boost your energy levels. Caffeine can also slightly increase your metabolism. This means you can burn slightly more calories without any extra work. 

5. Cardio, Weights, and Resistance

How to lose weight without losing muscle? The way you train when trying to lose fat plays a significant role, especially when you do not want to lose muscle mass. 

A common misconception is that you only need cardio to lose weight. While cardio is important in fat loss, strength training is crucial to prevent muscle loss. A well-structured strength training exercise plan can stimulate your muscles and promote a caloric deficit, leading to fat loss while maintaining and gaining muscle mass. 

Strength training consists of exercises utilizing the following:

  • Body weight: Push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges
  • Free weights: Dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls, kettlebells 
  • Resistance equipment: Resistance bands, weighted vests, resistance tubes
  • Machines: Cable machine, lat pull-down bar, curl machine, leg press

6. Don’t Forget to Rest Your Muscles

How to lose weight without losing muscle? Don’t forget to rest your muscles. We know exercise plays a crucial role in weight loss and muscle loss prevention. But another important factor to consider is having enough rest time for your muscles to recover. 

Exercising causes microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. Rest is crucial to repair these tears and promote muscle growth. 

Depletion of glycogen, the body’s main source of stored energy, is another result of exercise. Rest allows your body to restore glycogen levels, preventing muscle fatigue and soreness. 

7. Hydration Is Key 

How to lose weight without losing muscle? Hydration is key.

Water is essential when you want to lose weight without losing muscle. Drinking water can boost your metabolic rate. A study showed that people who consumed 500 milliliters of water before a meal increased their metabolic rate by 30%.

In addition, drinking water can increase fullness levels, which means you are less likely to snack throughout the day and have smaller portions. 

If you don’t know how much water you need, divide your body weight (pounds) by half to give you the total ounces of water you need. 

8. Get a Good Night’s Sleep 

Sleep deprivation can affect metabolism, specifically the hunger (ghrelin) and satiety (leptin) hormones. It causes the body to release more ghrelin and less leptin, leading to more cravings throughout the day and reduced feelings of fullness. 

So, how can you promote a good night’s sleep?

  • Follow a sleep/wake schedule: Go to sleep and wake up at the same time. 
  • Set the mood. The bedroom should be dark, quiet, and with a cold temperature. You can even mist some lavender oil on your bedsheets. 
  • Put the phone down: Avoid using electronic devices one to two hours before bedtime. 
  • Have a bedtime routine: You can include meditation, skincare routines, reading a book, or having a warm cup of tea. 

9. Keep Your Stress Levels Down For Fat Loss

How to lose weight without losing muscle mass? Keep your stress down. Too much stress can increase cortisol levels, increasing the risk of muscle loss. Try any of the following to help you cope with stress:

  • Meditate
  • Go for a walk
  • Try yoga
  • Take some ashwagandha
  • Start journaling
  • Do some art therapy

When Should You Consult With a Professional?

If you are doing everything mentioned above but you are still losing muscle mass, it’s time to consult with a registered dietitian, sports nutritionist, or personal trainer. 

Professionals can provide a personalized workout plan or meal plan tailored to your needs and goals, making it easier to achieve fat loss without affecting your muscle mass. 

The Bottom Line

Losing weight without losing muscle mass does not have to be overly complicated. The first strategy is to focus on your diet by maintaining a caloric deficit, consuming more protein, and taking supplements as needed. Next, follow healthy and effective exercise practices with cardio and strength training, rest, and proper hydration. Finally, maintain mental and physiological wellness by getting enough sleep and practicing stress-reduction techniques. 

By following these strategies, you can achieve your weight loss goals while retaining your hard-earned muscle mass. So, why not start today and make the most of these effective tips and tricks?

Q&A: Losing Weight Without Losing Muscle

Q: Can I lose weight without losing muscle?

A: Yes, it is possible to lose weight while keeping muscle mass. By focusing on a combination of proper nutrition, strength training, and cardio if you choose, you can create a calorie deficit while still maintaining muscle.

Q: How can I prevent muscle loss when losing weight?

A: To prevent muscle loss during weight loss, it is important to consume enough protein to support muscle growth and repair. Lift weights and make sure that you get at least 1g of protein for your body weight.

Q: What should I eat to lose weight without losing muscle?

A: You should eat a balanced diet that includes protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. For example, chicken, fish, steak, quinoa, fruits, veggies, nuts, and eggs are all great.

Q: How often should I exercise to prevent muscle loss while losing weight?

A: You should exercise 4-6 times per week (unless you are an advanced lifter) to prevent muscle loss while losing weight. Don’t forget that it is easier when you add in cardio.

Q: Is it necessary to track my calorie intake when trying to lose weight without losing muscle?

A: It’s not 100% necessary, however losing weight without losing muscle is extremely hard to do without tracking calories. Without tracking calories, this task is like expecting to hit a bullseye with a bow and arrow while blindfolded.

Q: Can supplements help in losing weight without losing muscle?

A: Yes! Whey protein, creatine, and pre-workout are all great supplements to help you lose weight without losing muscle. In particular, I love protein powder during this phase of cutting because it’s low calories and high protein.