You’re in the gym working hard. After you finish, you start to feel shaky. Should you eat candy after workout to boost your blood sugar? Let’s dive into the science and find the best answer for you.

Should You Eat Candy Before Workout?

Should you eat candy before a workout? Timing is key. Candy can give a quick boost of energy because of the sugar content. Sugar gives an immediate spike of blood sugar, which is great for exercise. But, it can also lead to a crash afterwards. We’ve all been there, you’re having a great workout and then all of a sudden BOOM. You feel like passing out cause you’re burned out of fuel.

The quick answer to whether you should eat candy before a workout depends on whether you can time it properly. You have to understand how your body will react to candy before a workout and know how much to eat to avoid crashing.

It’s better to pick snacks with complex carbs and protein. These offer sustained energy without the side effects of too much sugar.

Eating candy before a workout isn’t the best idea just because there are so many alternatives. Back during a high school football game, a group of my teammates started snacking on candy before a game. I thought to myself, there’s no way this is going to turn out well.

During the second quarter, they crashed hard. Our coach even had to call a timeout to substitute players because everyone was gassed or cramping.

You’re probably wondering, “I’ve seen athletes like Marshawn Lynch eat Skittles during games, whys that?” The difference is, he’s eating candy during a workout. More on that later.

Candy After Workout

Candy After Workout- should you do it? Here’s the benefits of candy after a workout:

  • Gives quick energy: Sugar can replenish your body after a workout.
  • Helps glycogen replenishment: High sugar content in candy can help restore depleted glycogen levels.
  • Aids muscle protein synthesis: Combining candy with protein may aid muscle repair and growth.
  • Mood booster: Sweet candy can release serotonin to lift your mood and reduce post-workout fatigue.
  • Treats you right: A small portion of candy can be a reward for your fitness routine.
  • Consume strategically: Incorporate candy into a meal or snack with other nutrient-rich foods for balanced nutrition.

I’ve always been a fan of a small snack during or after a workout. These snacks aren’t always the healthiest because I eat them right away as I’m finishing.

Pairing a whole-food meal with candy after workout is a great combo to help your muscles recover and boost your blood sugar. We all know what that fatigued, crashed feeling is like and it’s awful. Candy after workout will help you get back to normal.

Moderation is important – don’t replace whole foods with candy. Athletes have been consuming sugary treats for a long long time for quick energy during intense workouts.

Eating Candy During Workout

Candy can give you a quick energy burst when training. Eating candy with exercise can even upgrade athletic abilities. Certain types of candy can help to heal your muscles after a workout.

Back when I played football, I used to snack on candy during the game. Not a lot, and I only used it when I felt like I needed it. At halftime, I would fuel up with carbs and other forms of energy.

Keep in mind, this is different than eating candy before a workout. You’re more likely to crash if you skyrocket your blood sugar before intense physical activity.

To know that you’re properly eating candy during workout, you should feel a couple of things. First: you need to be tired and almost feel shaken. Second: you should feel depleted.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, try these unusual workouts and then run hill sprints.

People who eat candy while exercising have said they have better stamina and better physical power.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: Should I eat candy after a workout?

While candy can provide a quick source of sugar and energy, it is not the best choice for post-workout nutrition. Candy is typically high in refined sugars and lacks essential nutrients that your body needs to recover effectively. You can use a small amount of candy after a workout if you pair it with whole foods.

FAQ 2: What should I eat after a workout instead of candy?

Opt for healthier alternatives after a workout, such as a protein-rich snack like Greek yogurt, a banana with almond butter, or a protein shake. These options provide the necessary nutrients for muscle recovery and replenishing energy levels.

FAQ 3: Can I eat candy in moderation after a workout?

While moderation is key when it comes to indulging in treats, it is still advisable to choose nutrient-dense foods after a workout. It’s completely fine to eat candy in moderation after a workout as long as you still eat nutrient-dense foods.

FAQ 4: How does eating candy after a workout affect my body?

Eating candy after a workout can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, leading to a crash later on. It may also hinder muscle recovery and prevent optimal replenishment of glycogen stores.

FAQ 5: Are there any benefits to eating candy after a workout?

The benefits to eating candy after a workout include: boosted blood sugar, better mood, replenished glycogen, and improved muscle protein synthesis. Keep in mind to pair candy with whole, nutrient dense foods.

FAQ 6: What are some healthier alternatives to satisfy a sweet tooth after a workout?

If you have a sweet tooth after a workout, there are healthier alternatives you can enjoy. Opt for healthy carbohydrates such as pasta. If you’re still looking for candy, dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage is also a healthier option due to its antioxidant benefits.