Blueberries are a very underrated fruit. In fact, they’re the most beneficial fruit out there. From the ability to help with a body recomposition to improving brain power, today, we’re going to go over every health benefit blueberries have to offer. 

Blueberries are rampant with anthocyanins. These anthocyanins have body recomposition effects, by building lean muscle and burning fat. 

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Blueberries Help With Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

Researchers did an experiment with mice that lasted 72 days on the effects of anthocyanins. 

The mice were either given a low-fat or a high-fat diet. Some of the animals were given a blueberry juice supplement, others were given pure anthocyanins extracted from blueberries and dissolved in their drinking water. 

The researchers were looking for anti-obesity effects, and found these in both blueberry and anthocyanin groups. 

It’s clear the blueberry extract and anthocyanins helped the mice to gain more lean body mass and less fat.

This has a carryover to humans as well. Anthocyanins make sure that the muscles absorb most of the glucose from the blood, preventing fat cells from growing. You’ll basically become leaner and more muscular, similar to what a SARMs cycle does. 

Another upside to eating blueberries is that insulin function is improved. In the same study as above, mice needed less insulin and their fat cells made less lipids. This all resulted due to the high anthocyanin levels in the blood. 

This is so critical because insulin is a reason why you have energy during the day. Insulin helps regulate your blood sugar levels, which are then transferred to the body’s cells to be used as energy. 

The last upside to eating more blueberries is that it drastically improves your brain power. Blueberry’s brain boosting abilities come from being loaded with high concentrations of antioxidants. Antioxidants balance free radicals in the body, which decreases oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is TERRIBLE because it quickens the aging process of the brain. The antioxidants in blueberries clear up the brain and help it function better. 

Here are 6 quick benefits of eating more blueberries: 

  • Prevents memory loss
  • Creates more brain cells
  • Reduces the risk of dementia
  • Improved focus
  • Better mental health
  • Lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease

All in all, blueberries are a super fruit. They are found at almost every grocery store. Next time instead of picking up regular fruits, buy some blueberries instead. 

This article is designed to help you improve your lifestyle. A big component of a healthy lifestyle is working out and specifically using a good workout routine. 

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