A brain-changing parasite can make you more attractive to the opposite sex, according to a new study out of Finland.

Around 50% of the population carries toxoplasma gondii, which has also been reported to increase testosterone levels in men. Many people become infected via their pets, especially cats.

The study authors found that both men and women infected with the parasite were rated as being more attractive and healthier-looking than uninfected individuals.

The researchers believe this strange connection could have its roots in evolution, because changes that benefit the host also benefit the parasite. This so-called symbiotic relationship would help the parasite spread because carriers have more sex.

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Brain-changing parasite: makes you more attractive

While previous studies on T. gondii suggest that the parasite leads to higher testosterone levels in men, others suspect that the parasite manipulates chemicals in a host’s body — including neurotransmitters and hormones.

Manipulating a host’s “phenotype” – the physical expression of its genes, can lead to far-reaching changes. including to appearance, which may in turn increase an organism’s chances of reproducing.

“Some sexually transmitted parasites, such as T. gondii, may produce changes in the appearance and behavior of the human host, either as a by-product of the infection or as the result of the manipulation of the parasite to increase its spread to new hosts,” the researchers write.

In an experiment that included 35 college students (22 men, 13 women) infected with T. gondii and 178 students who were not infected, the researchers looked at the symmetry of their facial features.

The team explains that fluctuating asymmetry is a measure of how different the features in your face are. Studies have linked greater symmetry in your face (lowers levels of asymmetry) to better health, stronger genes, and being more attractive to others.

Why you can’t sleep when you’re hungry – and what to do about it

sleep and testosterone

Not being able to sleep when you’re hungry is the worst. Many of you want to lose fat, but your hunger prevents you from sleeping.

To make matters worse, you want to eat to help you fall asleep, knowing full well that your sleep quality will be further disrupted if you snack before getting some zzzz’s.

But do you know why this is?

Well, if you did, you might take more preventive steps to ensure that you aren’t too hungry before bed.

This might mean having to eat a little later or not lower your calories too much.

Click here to read more

The results from the experiment showed that participants infected with toxoplasma had lower levels of fluctuating asymmetry than those who were not. Additionally, young women carrying the parasite had a lower body mass index than their peers. These women also rated themselves as more attractive and disclosed that they had had more sexual partners.

“It is possible that the apparently non-pathological and potentially beneficial interactions between T. gondii and some of its intermediate hosts, such as rats and humans are the result of co-evolutionary strategies that benefit, or at least do not harm, the fitness of both the parasite and the host,” the authors conclude.

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