We tend to view powerlifting world records as unbeatable performances that take years of preparation and discipline to surpass. 83kg class powerlifter, Russel Orhii, defied this mindset just last week, as he walked into a commercial gym and crushed his past squat world record by nearly 19lbs. 

Russel Orhii’s Insane Squat

Since joining the International Powerlifting Federation six years ago, Russel Orhii has definitely been a force to be reckoned with. He first set the two 83kg division world records at the 2019 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships, with a 313kg (690lb) squat and 833kg (1836lb) total.

Earlier this year, Orhii once again set the world record for squats in the 83kg division at the 2021 IPF World Classic Championships. This time, he squatted a massive 320.5kg (706lb), and won the gold medal for his efforts. 

While Orhii has already shown he is capable of constantly improving and setting world records, his recent squat was completely insane. In a video uploaded to Instagram, Orhii is seen training at a commercial gym. Using a lifting belt and knee sleeves, he loaded 329kg (725lb) onto the squat rack and performed one incredible rep. 

Orhii’s caption read:

“I almost took an L squatting 725lbs/329kg in a commercial gym.”


While he personally believes the squat was close to failure, the video tells a different story. With no spotter in sight, Orhii took a moment to hold the bar before perfectly squatting, seemingly effortless. His form was perfect and he performed the lift seamlessly. While not in an official setting, this squat beat his world record by nearly 19lbs; showing he can definitely surpass his professional performances given the opportunity. 

Orhii’s next competition is not confirmed as of now but if he brings the same energy and strength as this most recent squat, another new world record is highly likely to occur. 

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