The High-Fat Western diet model, which is rich in pro-inflammatory Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Ultra-Processed foods, has been blamed for causing chronic pain by a recent study.

A “high-fat” diet is often a misnomer that indirectly includes alternative diet models such as Keto or Carnivore; however, when experts refer to a “high-fat” diet, they really mean one that is brimming with Omega-6-laden vegetable oils and processed foods — think fast food, sweets, and most pre-packaged food.


One of the main problems with vegetable oils — with the exception of coconut and olive oil — is that they are unstable at higher temperatures and are pro-inflammatory.

Inflammation, as we have discussed in the past, can be linked to almost every disease.

For optimal health, we advise that you stay away from pro-inflammatory foodstuffs as much as possible.

High-Fat Omega-6 and Processed Foods Diet Model Responsible for Chronic Pain, according to Study

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The study, published by a team led by The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, also referred to as UT Health San Antonio, found that the Western high-fat diet model can increase the risk of painful disorders — which are common in people with conditions such as diabetes or obesity.

Obesity, as we have stressed in the past, is one of the worst ways you can wreck your quality of life — despite what faux activists have to say about acceptance.


According to the study’s abstract:

Chronic pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide1 and is commonly associated with comorbid disorders2. However, the role of diet in chronic pain is poorly understood. Of particular interest is the Western-style diet, enriched with ω-6 (Omega-6) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that accumulate in membrane phospholipids and oxidise into pronociceptive oxylipins3,4. Here we report that mice administered an ω-6 PUFA-enriched diet develop persistent nociceptive hypersensitivities, spontaneously active and hyper-responsive glabrous afferent fibres and histologic markers of peripheral nerve damage reminiscent of a peripheral neuropathy.

Linoleic and arachidonic acids accumulate in lumbar dorsal root ganglia, with increased liberation via elevated phospholipase (PLA)2 activity. Pharmacological and molecular inhibition of PLA2G7 or diet reversal with high levels of ω-3 PUFAs attenuate nociceptive behaviours, neurophysiologic abnormalities and afferent histopathology induced by high ω-6 intake. Additionally, ω-6 PUFA accumulation exacerbates allodynia observed in preclinical inflammatory and neuropathic pain models and is strongly correlated with multiple pain indices of clinical diabetic neuropathy. Collectively, these data reveal dietary enrichment with ω-6 PUFAs as a new aetiology of peripheral neuropathy and risk factor for chronic pain and implicate multiple therapeutic considerations for clinical pain management.”

What Can Be Done?

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Dietary changes can go a long way

Thankfully, the damage done by pro-inflammatory foods can be reversed, like with mild insulin resistance.

Cleaning up your diet and avoiding “junk foods” or processed foods will help avoid the intake of pro-inflammatory items.

Addressing your Omega-3 to Omega-6 balance by reducing your intake of Omega-6 and increasing your intake of Omega-3 through the consumption of oily fish, in particular, as well as through supplementation can help reverse some of the damage.

You can also supplement turmeric/curcumin or refer to our article on small additions to your diet that can go a long way to improving your health.

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