Falling testosterone levels in modern society is well-documented and nothing new, but to put the catastrophic decline of testosterone levels into perspective: the average 22-year-old male has the same testosterone levels as a 67-year-old man twenty years ago.

Here at Herculean Strength, we have kept abreast with this alarming social phenomenon in conjuction with fingering the culprits responsible for this precipitous decline.

While we won’t venture to explain the social effects of falling testosterone levels — which should be abundantly clear — there are various elements at play.

From poor diet choices, a lack of exercise, a sedentary indoor lifestyle, environmental factors such as plastics and herbicides, to skyrocketing obesity levels, testosterone and fertility have taken an unprecedented tumble.

Check out our FREE guide to testosterone to begin enjoying a superior quality of life that is well within your reach.

The Collapse in Young Male Testosterone Levels

The Top Signs of Low Testosterone - Med Decisions

According to a report, testosterone levels, which have been shown to have fallen steadily since Victorian times, appear to be declining at an incredible pace.

Twenty years ago, the average retiree had the same testosterone levels as a 22-year-old man who should be at the peak of their masculinity.

Taking to Twitter, Justin Mares wrote: “Here’s a cheery Friday fact. An average 22 year-old male today has roughly the same testosterone levels as a 67 year old had in the year 2000. Average testosterone has fallen close to 50% in the last 2 decades, and nobody is talking about it.”

Publication My Parla stated:

According to research, men’s testosterone levels have dropped at least 20% in the last 20 years with more and more younger men suffering the effects of low testosterone.

This is not a new trend. Seventy-year-old men in 1987-89 had an average testosterone level that was almost 100 points higher than even 55-year-old men in 2002-04. Meaning that the average 22 year old man today, has an average testosterone level roughly equal to that of a 67 year old man in 2000. Therefore, it’s likely that your testosterone levels are half of those of your father and undoubtedly significantly less than your grandfather.

With this in mind if testosterone levels decline naturally as we age, these statistics should have remained constant over time. But we know that they aren’t. Far from it. The negative trend seems to be getting worse and happening to men at much younger ages than ever before.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way.

What Can Be Done?

On a personal level, much can be done to help reverse this trend.

Earlier this year, we noted that older men in rural primitive communities exhibited similar testosterone levels to younger men.

Although the projected decline of a drop in testosterone levels of 1% a year after the age of thirty is well-accepted, the fact that this natural decline is delayed under harsher conditions indicates that diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors play a huge part in determining whether testosterone levels fall as sharply vis-a-vis comfortable developed societies.

Individuals with low testosterone levels can experience a positive turnaround in their quality of life by altering their diet, lifting weights, avoiding Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, losing excess fat, and spending more time outside.

Check out our FREE guide to testosterone to begin enjoying a superior quality of life that is well within your reach.

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